Amazing facts to know about the House Sparrow

Sparrow Identification Guide

Distinguish between male and female sparrows: males have reddish backs and a black bib.

Speed and Agility 

Sparrows can fly at 24 mph, speeding up to 31 mph when escaping predators.

Unexpected Swimmers 

In face of danger, these tiny birds can swiftly swim to evade threats.

A Peek into Sparrow Infidelity 

Studies reveal sparrow eggs sometimes contain DNA from different fathers, hinting at infidelity.

Lifespan in the Wild 

Wild sparrows live for about 4-5 years, thriving best in close proximity to humans.

From Carnivores to Omnivores 

Originally carnivorous, sparrows now enjoy a varied diet of over 830 foods including seeds and berries.

Social Living 

Sparrows prefer living near human settlements, showcasing their social nature and adaptability.

Dust Baths Over Water 

Sparrows engage in dust bathing, throwing dust over themselves instead of using water.

Non-migratory Yet Adaptable 

Though non-migratory, urban sparrows may venture to the countryside for food during late summer.

Save Sparrows, Save Biodiversity 

Conserving sparrows is crucial for biodiversity. Learn how you can contribute to their preservation.